Dec 21, 2006

MySpace YourVirus

Security Watch : Don't get burned by viruses and hackers
MySpace YourVirus
By Robert Vamosi Senior editor, CNET ReviewsDecember 7, 2006
One of the major tenets of the new Web 2.0 religion is user-driven content. In order to function, sites such as MySpace and YouTube must allow users to upload their own images, text, video, and even JavaScript to create dynamic profile pages--turning the conventional security wisdom on its head. So what happens in the few instances when the user's intentions are malicious? In the short term, the site filters the offending tags, JavaScript code, and characters, such as quotation marks. There's a limit to this, however, as you can't filter everything. Now, with at least two attacks on MySpace, it seems that user-driven content sites such as MySpace and YouTube may become the new playground for Internet criminals, taking advantage of both the sites' popularity and their openness to upload whatever code the user wants.
Quickspace wormPosted by kwpt (See profile) - December 13, 2006 2:48 AM PST
To see if you have ( Quickspace worm ) on your computer go to start then go to Run type in ( regedit ) in the regedit edit window go to ( EDIT ) Then go down to ( FIND ) an type in ( Quickspace worm ) an let it search when it finds it delete it..Paul
((Thanks Kat!))

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