One of the great things about Blogging is that it allows you to network with people you may have otherwise never had contact with. BillyJack is one of those people that I have had the pleasure of getting to know through reading his Blog. Billy writes with sincerity and integrity. You can check his Blog out HERE
Without further ado:

Judged By The Content Of Their Character
Martin Luther King Jr. dreamed of the day when his children were judged by the content of their character and not by the color of their skin. In more than forty years since he said those words, systemic changes have taken place in state and federal governments which require equal opportunity under the law in every area. Granted, systemic changes don’t change the hearts of people. Consequently, prejudice and bigotry are still alive in individuals of all colors throughout the country. But systemically, equality of opportunity is now the law in employment, education, housing, scholarships, health care and any number of other areas. Today, if racial discrimination takes place in government or business, it is a violation of the law instead of being protected by it. That is a tremendous turn around from 40 years ago!
Will the day ever arrive when we finally just see each other as people? Not black people, brown people, or white people, but just people? Isn’t that what Mr. King foresaw in his dream? But, many people will never allow that day to arrive. They make their living reminding America what color they are. This article is not about people like that. They are Truth Smugglers whose political power and income depends on perpetuating racial division. If we ever realize Mr. King’s dream, those people will be out of business!
But, there are other less sinister actions in our society which continue perpetuating racial distinctions. The most recent ones have occurred in politics, entertainment and sports.
In politics, Barak Obama could be the first black president.
In entertainment, Beyonce was the second black woman ever to appear on the cover of Sports Illustrated Swimsuit edition.
Lovie Smith and Tony Dungee were the first black coaches to appear in the Super Bowl.
How much longer are we going to dilute great accomplishments by referencing someone’s color?
In the days when discrimination was not only the law, but a way of life, “firsts” like this were important for social change. People like Jackie Robinson and Rosa Parks had a place in history because they went against an entire system that was structured to keep them down, and they rose above it. Courage like that is worthy of celebrating. But, those “firsts” don’t happen anymore.
Today, if a minority is elected President, the laws of our country will have given him/her that opportunity. If a minority head coach wins the Super Bowl, our laws and his league which are structured to support and encourage racial diversity will have given him that opportunity.
We haven’t solved the problems of racism in our country. As long as the human heart beats with the force of free will, there will always be bigotry and race based hatred. But, we can make Mr. King’s dream become a reality by recognizing great accomplishments on their own merits without diluting them by noting the person’s race.
If Mr. Obama is elected president of our country, it will be a huge tribute to his character and hard work. When Beyonce appeared on the cover of SI, it was be a tribute to her beauty and talent. When Tony Dungee’s Colts won the Super Bowl, it was a tribute to his skills as a coach in a league where winning championships is extremely difficult.
Let’s begin recognizing people for the content of their character and the greatness of their accomplishments without calling attention to what color they are!
When that day arrives, we will be one step closer to Mr. King’s dream!
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