Dec 26, 2006

Protective Immunity For The Mind & Soul

Bullshit Detection System - BDS
By Bahram Maskanian
August 18, 1992
Definition of Bullshit:
Bullshit is a bogus statement deliberately presented as being true. Bullshit is something meant to deceive and to give a wrong misleading impression. Bullshit is an act, or attempt to mislead and deceive others by making a lie highly believable as fact. Exactly as it is done in show business, where a professional Bullshit Artist fools us into believing what he or she wants us to believe. The so-called movie stars / actors are good examples of whom and what Bullshit Artists are and do. To make it crystal-clear and better understand how high quality bullshit is manufactured, watch TV advertisements and programs, or see movie, or watch and listen to any religious mullah, or government, or business official speak.
I am, and I can think, therefore I can change who I am
To think is to care and have consideration. What do you think?

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