Opposing Bush Iraq Plan, Says Meyer, Is Tying Some Lawmakers In Knots
(CBS) This commentary was written by CBSNews.com's Dick Meyer.
Disobeying the "Support the Troops" axiom is like the third rail of foreign policy politics: touch it and you die. What if a Congressman voted to cut funding and later a soldier was killed and an enemy candidate made a negative ad!? The horror, the horror. Similarly, legislators are now trying to see how many benchmarks can dance on the head of a non-binding resolution. Members of the Congressional Cake-And-Eat-It Too Caucus want to craft something to vote on that will express their stout disapproval of the president's plan without being mean to the troops and without giving ammo to future ad makers. Courage. As for an attempt to use the War Powers Act to wage full frontal attack Operation Escalation -- wouldn't be prudent.
Therein lies the problem..political suicide-the powers that be are more afraid of losing their political clout than they are of saving lives. What if you end up on the wrong side of the coin toss? A real dilemma here..but that's why they get paid the big bucks to make the tough decisions. Cut off funding? Not a good option, send in more troops - not a good option. Hmmm what to do? I say bring them home and let's take care of our own business right here at home. That's my View of It!
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hi there... thanks for the link.... just let me which category should i link you !!!
Any category except comedy (I hope) LOL!
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