Jan 4, 2007

Surgery to stunt girl’s growth sparks debate

Parents say drastic treatment allows them to take better care of their child
In a case fraught with ethical questions, the parents of a severely mentally and physically disabled child have stunted her growth to keep their little “pillow angel”
a manageable and more portable size.
The bedridden 9-year-old girl had her uterus and breast tissue removed at a Seattle hospital and received large doses of hormones to halt her growth. She is now 4-foot-5; her parents say she would otherwise probably reach a normal 5-foot-6.
Some ethicists question the parents’ claim that the drastic treatment will benefit their daughter and allow them to continue caring for her at home.
The case has captured attention nationwide and abroad. “Offensive if not perverse,” wrote one person on MSNBC.com's bulletin board. “This smacks of eugenics, but I understand the parents thought process,” another wrote.
Right or wrong, the couple’s decision highlights a dilemma thousands of parents face in struggling to care for severely disabled children as they grow up.
“This particular treatment, even if it’s OK in this situation, and I think it probably is, is not a widespread solution and ignores the large social issues about caring for people with disabilities,” Dr. Joel Frader, a medical ethicist at Chicago’s Children’s Memorial Hospital, said Thursday. “As a society, we do a pretty rotten job of helping caregivers provide what’s necessary for these patients.”
The case involves a girl identified only as
Ashley on a blog her parents created after her doctors wrote about her treatment in October’s Archives of Pediatrics & Adolescent Medicine. The journal did not disclose the parents’ names or where they live; the couple do not identify themselves on their blog, either.
WFT!! I cannot believe this! Having been raised in a family with a brother and sister both with Cerebral Palsy, neither have ever walked,I can't believe that a parent wuld "alter" their child to FIT! My siblings are both grown and in their 40's, still in wheelchairs and still being cared for as children but! Not one second of one minute of one day would my parents have had them altered!! Jesus - what is wrong with people! All about ME!

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