Jan 12, 2007

Bush May Doom GOP Candidates in '08

January 10, 2007
Editor's Note:
George W. Bush's determination to escalate the war in Iraq and ignore the clear electoral message from the American people in the November elections has shocked many congressional Republicans as much as it has outraged Democrats.
In this guest essay, the Independent Institute's Ivan Eland warns that Bush's stubbornness could seal the fate of Republicans in 2008:
President George W. Bush, contrary to the will of the American and Iraqi peoples and his own military commanders, seems ready to embark on a potentially disastrous escalation of the Iraq war, which was lost long ago.
This mind-numbingly idiotic strategy is sure to needlessly cost more American and Iraqi lives and to lose the presidency for the Republicans in 2008.

I can't remember- Have I said Bush is an idiot before??

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