Jul 11, 2007

I'm Thinking Again!

Just been sitting here thinking (!) since I started this Blog I have done alot of research and come across many interesting things out there on the 'Net'. Some of those things have been about 9/11 and how our Government may have actually been involved A Quick Course on the shortest paths to 9/11 truth... is such an example of one of those Sites. Another interesting Link is this one: The Evil Is in Our Government .
Could this all really be about paying back for some old grudges and billions of dollars worth of oil? Just the thought of this makes me sick. Some of our highest Officials and some very wealthy people have much to gain by this War and killing off a 'few' people may well have been considered 'acceptable' losses to these very same people. Kinda hurts the brain to think about that doesn't it?

There is nothing new in a government lying to their people to start a war. Indeed because most people prefer living in peace to bloody and horrific death in war, any government that desires to initiate a war usually lies to their people to create the illusion that support for the war is the only possible choice they can make.

We did something similar to this in World War II with Japan remember Downing Street Memo? FDR claimed Pearl Harbor was a surprise attack. It wasn't. The United States saw war with Japan as the means to get into war with Germany, which Americans opposed. And what about this? ABC News Exclusive: The Secret War Against Iran?
Would an American invasion of Iraq be unprecedented? You might be surprised at the answer to this question.

So, I have been thinking - what if it's true? What if we are actually responsible for the deaths of those poor people on that day? What does this make Bush and his Administration? Will we ever know what really happened? Could this be part of the reason that this Presidency is so secretive and refuses to answer any questions?

Just some food for thought and please feel free to tell me what you think - This may be something that is too much for the likes of me to figure out but things sure aren't looking too good, in My View of "It."

My family thinks I'm nuts but I'm not so sure about that.

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