Jul 16, 2007

Oil, Money and War

I can't help but believe that this war has nothing to do with Religious Beliefs or about bringing Democracy to the Middle East. I believe that the real reason we are at War is this: To cause the destruction of Iraqi society enabling the US and Britain to gain control of Iraq's huge oil reserves.
The main reasons for the US invasion of Iraq were to gain control of Iraq's oilfields, to establish military bases in Iraq from which to dominate the Middle East and eventually (by controlling oil supply) to establish control over all countries dependent on oil, and to remove the threat to Israel posed by Iraq.

Oil, Money and War
By: Jim Puplava

February 22, 2002
The next war has just begun. The era of peace and stability that we have come to know is over. We are entering an era in history, not of peaceful economic competition between nations, but a time of warfare between tribes, ethnic groups, religions, and economic systems. This war will be unlike other wars. There will be no major battlefields. Armies won’t line up to face each other and do battle. The war will be taken to the cities and suburbs as well as the skies. It will be fought with car bombs, small explosives, light armaments, and listening devices. It will be a war of men killing each other at close quarters. Battles will be replaced by skirmishes, bombings, massacres and genocide. It will be fought by regular armies against small groups known as terrorists, guerrillas, bandits and robbers. War will, for the first time in the West, become personal.

March 16, 2002
Economic Utopia
Economists tend to think in terms of widgets. Key elements of their analysis is demand versus supply and equilibrium prices. There is always that " perfect" price where supply and demand comes into " perfect" harmony. In economic theory, we live in an ideal market economy. No outside forces like a planning board or political authority tell economic participants what to do. In this theoretically perfect world, the markets are free and competitive with no legal restrictions between buyers or sellers for goods and services. Government’s role in this perfect world is limited to defining and protecting property rights, enforcing contract law, and protecting people from fraud, while enforcing the rules of the game.

March 29, 2007
The New World (Oil) Order is Upon Us
Time is running out and we are drawing closer to our next energy crisis. It is a crisis brought on by the conflict between rising global demand for energy and our growing inability to supply that demand as "the Great Game" expands.
Securing adequate oil supplies was an important element in all of the major wars of the last century and dominates conflicts in this new century. The United States—and the rest of the world by extension—is facing the biggest energy crisis in history. It is a crisis for which we are completely unprepared. From politician to citizen, our eyes remain wide shut.

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