Nov 30, 2007

WTF?- Program Will Provide Light Bulbs To Homeless

A state program that provides energy efficient light bulbs to low income residents is about be expanded, according to a proposal now before lawmakers. The new legislation will make free compact fluorescent bulbs available to undocumented workers, student visa holders and the homeless. The bill is expected to pass by a wide margin.
CFL (Compact Fluorescent Light)
"This program is too important to be bogged down by minor residency details." said Assemblyperson Alison Boatright, co-sponsor of the proposal. "When you stop and think about it, it doesn't matter if you have a home or a green card - we're all on the same planet."

Previously, recipients were required to present an electric bill and a pay stub as proof of eligibility. The new legislation provides for distribution centers at college campuses, homeless shelters and construction sites, as well as mobile units to serve maintenance and janitorial crews.

"It's imperative that we make CFLs [compact fluorescent lights] readily available." said Assemblyperson Lyle Hughes, the other co-sponsor of the proposal. "We don't want people to continue to harm the environment simply out of fear of being deported."

Supporters note that this bill is a vital step toward outlawing the traditional filament type bulb, a plan that is rapidly gaining momentum among lawmakers. "We can't make environmental criminals out of people just because they can't afford a light bulb." said Boatright. "It's the old bulbs that are the real criminals."


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Anonymous said...

Exactly what district does Assemblyperson Boatright represent? 'Cuz I can't find her listed as a legislator in California, which makes me think the whole thing is a load of hooey.

Carol said...

Hi skeptic,
No idea I searched too. Could be a hoax, who knows?
Thanks for the visit.

Ted said...

No clue what they would plug them into.

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