Dec 21, 2006

Come Reminisce with Me

Come Reminiscence with Me
Do you ever sit and wonder, what happened to Christmas's Of Yore?
When papa cut a real tree and a homemade Wreath was on the door. Mama, was in the kitchen Singing softly as she baked,cookies and pies, and even a Poor mans cake. The kids all joined in to help. With stars shining in their eyes. Sis was stringing popcorn to adorn the tree, and the little ones, with shears and paste and colored paper too make a rope so long it reached across the room! There were no ads on the TV telling you what to buy. We made a list of wishes and sent them up the flu and hoped that Santa got the note, that went from little hearts so true. No one ran a shopping cart into your shins. You made the presents that you gave, And followed your own whims.
Now a days, the kids all yell, and cry, and shout, gimmy, gimmy, gimmy. while mothers are on their cell phones and there's a plastic Santa on the chimney. Deer's and lights adorn the lawn and drummer boys galore,A plastic tree stands in the corner all grand with lights that twinkle and a star atop, that sure has been A beacon to us all. Now all we do is plug it in no trouble, after all. I do not need presents,I have everything I need.I'm just reminiscing,on the way it useto be. And want you all to realize you all mean the world to me.

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