Dec 13, 2006


by jerseymcjones @ 8:15 am
(Well, it looks like the “War on Christmas” will be making a comeback this year with the Dittoheads, O’Lielly gang, and Hackity Hannity crowd, so here’s my annual Season’s Greetings for ‘em!)

That’s right! I said it! Merry CHRISTMAS! Not “Happy Holidays,” not “Seasons Greetings,” no, it’s MERRY FRIGGIN’ CHRISTMAS, BABY!!!

I know many who say that us godless, commie, politically-correct, hyphenating liberals are waging a war on “Christ-in-Christmas,” but for all you poor little Christian victims of liberal oppression, for whom all your tax-exempt churches and your vast private properties are just not spacious enough for all your countless mangers, you proselytizers of primitive priory profundity, this one’s for you: MERRY FRIGGIN’ CHRISTMAS, BABY!!!
For all you wealthy-born, war-profiteering, tax-cheating, class-warring, crooked/corporate politician-loving, Hummer-Driving, prepaid Yale-Mastering, unearned investment-leeching, natural resources-stealing, Mega-Church parishioners who have as much chance of entering Heaven as a camel through the eye of a needle:
For all you who believe that it is more important to be “united” in a cause than to be right about it, to be the “winner” of the cause instead of understanding it, to have a “vision” of the cause rather than actually seeing it, to be “popular” in the cause better than thinking it through for yourself, to be EASY in the cause and not SACRIFICING for it…
Enjoy your lump of coal.
(Oh, and enjoy the new Democrat majority in the Congress!)
YIPPIE!!! I could not have said it better myself!

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Jersey McJones said...

Hey thanks for the link! Ya' know what's funny - I didn't have to change one single word from last year... ;)

Peace, JMJ

Carol said...

Wow..The author himself..I am so thrilled you stopped it! I am pleased that you commented and sad that nothing's changed in this world - least not enough to make this obsolete!

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