Jan 17, 2007

Bush's Iraq Plan: Goading Iran Into War

Several recent developments and statements indicate that the administration is ever more seriously eyeing war with Iran. On Wednesday, Bush made the starkest accusations yet against the rulers in Tehran, alleging that the clerics were "providing material support for attacks on American troops."Perhaps the starkest indication of an impending war with Iran is Washington's recent arrest of Iranian diplomats in Iraq. Around the time of President Bush's speech, U.S. Special Forces -- in blatant violation of diplomatic regulations reminiscent of the hostage taking of U.S. diplomats in Tehran by Iranian students in 1979 -- stormed the Iranian consulate in Erbil in northern Iraq, arresting five diplomats. Later that day, U.S. forces almost clashed with Kurdish peshmerga militia forces when seeking to arrest more Iranians at Arbil's airport.The incremental raids and arrests may instead be aimed at provoking the Iranians to respond, which in turn would escalate the situation and provide the Bush administration with the casus belli it needs to win congressional support for war with Iran. The next move may be Iran's. Tehran has likely sniffed the trap and will sit idly by for now and deprive the Bush administration of a pretext for escalation. But continued provocations from the United States through additional raids of Iranian consulates and offices will likely lead to an intentional or unintentional response, after which escalation and war may become reality. Iran has at times failed to exhibit the discipline necessary to refrain from responding to aggressions.
Let's hope that Iran is smart enough not to play into Bush's apparent bloodlust! I don't know exactly what he thinks he is going to accomplish with this overt bullying of these Middle Eastern Countries..it is a no win situation for all of us with the end result being loss of many lives - theirs and ours, what is there to gain from all the bloodletting? Who is it exactly that we are mad at? Why are we mad? Does anyone even remember what all this war game play is all about? It started with 911, I have seen little indication of any prosecution of those behind that attack..I do see Bush as a bully out to get revenge on those who caused so many problems for his father.. Can this whole mess really be about ..

Noun: retribution `retru'byooshun
justly deserved penalty- requital
act of correcting for your wrongdoing
act of taking revenge (harming someone in retaliation for something harmful that they have done) especially in the next life"the swiftness of divine retribution"- vengeance, payback

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R.Levesque said...

I dont know what we have to gain by getting Iran involved. Wait could it be because they are thinking of using strictly euros as payment for their oil trade. I think Venezuela might be considering this also. That alone would destroy the value of the American Dollar. As far as prosecuting the people behind 9/11, they cant because I believe whole heartedly that this administration was behind it all. Those planes were not enough to take down those buildings.Controlled detonations would do it though. And Ive reviewed plenty of material on the subject. Just my .02 cents.
Health and Prosperity,

Carol said...

I agree! That's always been the plan though really - The New World Order. The beginning of the end!

libhom said...

Bush already has lost his war in Iraq. Does he want to add a humiliating defeat in Iran to his long list of failures?

Carol said...

At this point, I don't think it has anything to do with winning or losing, more to do with sucking all he can out of the whole nightmare, dragging it on until '08 and then it can become someone else's headache. He has nothing to lose at this point as he cannot be re-elected. This is all profit for him, and his cronies.

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