I am excited and pleased to announce that my friend at Polliwog’s Pond will be launching on Sunday April 1st! She has tagged me to write about my Gotta Get Goals! “Gotta’ Get Goals” is a meme/experiment started by Alex Shalman.
Please read the official rules before participating.
I am assuming that these "Gotta Get Goals" are the kinds of goals one would like to reach before actually leaving this earth, hmmmmm, well, I am going to share a few of my "Gotta Get Goals" with you all: This is a tough one for me cause some of my "Goals" may be kinda "out there" if you know what I mean.....
1) One of the things I have been really committed to is Hepatitis C Information and Support. I found out in 2005 that I have HCV and did do the treatment for it. This was really hell for me even though I was one of those fortunate few that are called "Super Responders" and I only had to treat for 12 weeks. I know several people who have treated from 48 to 72 weeks. (God Bless them!)
The Goal I have in this area is to make sure that I have nothing but the most current and up-to date information on my Site: Our Hep Chat and to make the Chat Room the most safe and supportive place that someone can go to meet with people who have either already treated or are treating now. I want this to be a place for friends and family members to come also to learn how they might support their friends and loved ones through the whole treatment process.
2) I have a goal in my own personal area of health as well. Due to the Stage and Grade of my Liver Disease I have gained a ton of weight and am most uncomfortable with this physically. In other words, I feel like crap most of the time. Between being exhausted all the time and some complications related to the liver I find I am not really able to exercise, walking is sometimes an event for me! I am only 50 years old and this is really starting to piss me off. So I am going to force myself to do something extra every day to try to regain some strength and some energy! I just haven't quite figured out what to do yet! (Please don't innundate me with ideas and what you think might work. I am the best judge of what I am capable of right now thanks.)
3) Another Gotta Get Goal for me is to make sure that my son and my husband and I have dinner together at least twice a month. Our Son is 32 years old and through the Grace of God, he has no alcohol or drug problems, is employed and doing well in his career. I think family is the single most important thing in the world and maintaining a close relationship with my family is of utmost importance to me.
4) Let me not forget the things I would like to do with Brad Pitt - or is this too "over the top?" I said I'm 50, I'm not dead yet ::::wink::::
5) My most "out there" Gotta Get Goal is to be able to go to Italy before I die. I don't know how to make this one come true as money is always an issue for me, but going there would be a dream come true for me!
I am not really much into the material things in life. For example, I am not much interested in owning my own home, or having land, or a brand new car. So I don't have any "Gotta Get Goals" in that area. I just want to be comfortable, safe and secure in my little world. I am so boring aren't I?
Hmmmm..now, who can I tag with this one?
Jonathan Phillips: http://www.smartwealthyrich.com/
Cool Mama: http://motherdeva-motherdevasmindsquirts.blogspot.com/
Mother: http://www.mybloglog.com/buzz/community/chittlins_chopsticks/
Digital Nomads: http://digital-nomads.blogspot.com
RoyBoy: http://royboy81.cassas.net
Box1715: http://box1715.blogspot.com
Ok that's my Contibution to the greater good for today! Enjoy this one everyone!
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Hey Carol thanx a bunch for tagging me! :) Thing is i already wrote about the gotta get foals project hehe
Ahhh Jonathan, I shoulda known someone would have already gotten you for this one. You are such a great Sport! Thanks my friend I read yours and as usual you write so well and are such an inspiration to me! Thanks for being you!
Hi Carol. Thanks for the tag :) I'm working all weekend so I probably won't get around to 'thinking about my own goals til Monday, lol'. Glad to see you were able to find the little sucker that was giving you all the trouble!
Sorry that you gotta work the weekend my friend. Yeah, I think it was either the users online info I had installed or the translate this page thing by Fagan Finder either way they are gone and so is the pop up. That is so annoying! I look forward to reading your goals, I know it will surely be interesting!
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