Apr 26, 2007

Lighten up and get a life.....

Am I the only one getting tired of hearing this come out of John McCains yap?

I'm surprised that he can even say those words because he's usually got both feet tucked into his cheeks as he's saying them!

Once again John McCain proves that he's out of touch with the world around him. He made a joke on The Daily Show proclaiming that he had a gift for Jon Stewart, the show's host. The gift was an IED (Improvised Explosive Device) that he wanted to place under Jon's desk. Ha Ha.

Innocent people, as well as military personal die each day in Iraq because of IEDs. Are we supposed to think this is funny too Senator McButthead?

When questioned about his 'IED joke', he smugly said that he's going to use 'humor' to get his point across, and anybody who doesn't like it should 'lighten up and get a life'.

I'm sure the Mothers and Fathers, Brothers and Sisters, and everyone else who has lost loved ones because of IEDs in Iraq had a good laugh. Your a pompous idiot Mr. McCain!

This man truly disgusts me. He should go away where he can't inflict us with his 'humor' anymore.

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1 comment:

Ron said...

"Am I the only one getting tired of hearing this come out of John McCains yap?"

Oh no. There are a LOT of folks simply fed up with crazy old Johnny Mac.

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