Jun 13, 2007

Tom 4 President 2008 a Sexy Campaign

My campaign for the Presidency has really hit a dead end and what I need is a Campaign Manager. The premise of my campaign is to run for the Presidency without accepting money from anyone. A virtual Campaign on the Internet. Of course I will make myself available for interviews and television appearances when they are presented to me.Currently I've had more votes for my blogs listed on the Spicy Pages directory than I have had for my efforts to make it to the White House in 2008. The need for a Campaign Manager has never been more apparent

It isn't every day that one can say they know the next President of the United States! Go over and see Tom at Tom's Hideaway and then go visit his Presidential Blog..Making a run for the White House , Not Accepting Any Campaign Contributions, I don't want to be bought and sold before I get there!!

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