Jul 9, 2007

War Stress Relief

Give Back to Our Soldiers
By Devin Hastings
"Treat the moments of your life carefully.If you do, then, when you lose someone you care deeply about,you will experience the healing balm of natural grief.If you don't, you will experience the soul-searing burn of regret."

"Speak well to yourself because your deep mind is always listening."

On Memorial Day, I launched War-Stress-Relief.com, which is an all volunteer website that is taking aim at military stress. War-Stress-Relief.com is dedicated to creating a nationwide community of caring people who want to give back to our soldiers and their families for all that they do for us regardless of politics.
I am doing this because I am a former Army Specialist and for me, helping our soldiers and their loved ones is extremely important at this time for many reasons including the fact that because of the stress of extended deployments and more, many military families are being torn apart by the stress they are under and something needs to be done soon before the damage gets worse.

So, this newly launched, grass roots website is seeking anyone who can donate any time at all to help our stressed out troops and their families. The types of volunteers War-Stress-Relief.com is looking for are varied. Whether a person can rake leaves for a stressed military family at home, fix their car, offer healing services of any kind to families or soldiers, it doesn't matter. What matters is we need to go beyond politics and get back to our American roots of caring for one another.

Whether a volunteer can offer one hour of help a week or a month, it doesn't matter because if you imagine 10,000 people offering 1 hour each per month, that is 10,000 hours of help available per month to our soldiers and their families.
Thank you for doing whatever you can.
To learn more, please visit War-Stress-Relief.com

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MoonDanzer said...

As one of these families...you just simply cannot imagine what this meant to me when I read it. I have nearly been out of mind for the last 3 months since hearing that he was going. May I please have your permission to post this site as my pick of the week for next week. I just posted People In The Sun for this week. But, this a great effort you are seeking to accomplish and I would very much like to help you get the word out. I do have a pretty high traffic rate. Thank you so much not as a blogger but as mother.~Jackie

MoonDanzer said...

Just popped back in to grab your address...don't know why I haven't done it by now...but I blog rolled you...I am a wee slow sometimes!~jackie

MoonDanzer said...

Forgive me if I have already contacted you about this...but, I am having an incredibly busy morning. But, you my friend have been scmoozed. You may pick up your Scmooze award at http://moondanzerdelivers.blogspot.com
have a good one~jackie

Carol said...

Hi Moondanzer,
It isn't my site that you want to post but the lady who actually has the Site: War Stress Relief.com - not that the exposeure wouldn't be nice :) but, it is she that deserves the exposure for her selfless act. Thanks for the visit and your huge heart!

Unknown said...

Hey Carol this sounds like a great project, thanks for posting things that matter so much.

Carol said...

Hey Floyd how great to see you! I was gonna stop by today and thank you for the link to that Widget that is scrolling on my sidebar. I thought it looked so good on your site that I had to get one too!

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