Aug 22, 2007

Bush to invoke Vietnam in arguing against Iraq pullout

On Wednesday in Kansas City, Missouri, Bush will tell members of the Veterans of Foreign Wars that "then, as now, people argued that the real problem was America's presence and that if we would just withdraw, the killing would end," according to speech excerpts released Tuesday by the White House.
"Three decades later, there is a legitimate debate about how we got into the Vietnam War and how we left," Bush will say.
In My View of "It" the question is, how has this been allowed to happen? Bush is not following the will of the people anymore than President Johnson did in Vietnam.
They lied and got us to go along for a very short time right after the war started, as governments are able to do right after the beginning of an armed conflict, in order to able to create an atmosphere of war hysteria.
That’s not true anymore. The American people have begun to understand what is going on and have turned against the policies in Washington, but of course they are still there. They are still in power.
Thus leading to my next question - why are they still in Power?

Read More Here....

Rod said...
I can only think that the Bush Administration is still in power because of one of several reasons, or a combination thereof:
1) Americans haven't figured out a way to send a text message that will vote the administration out, especially when none of them can sing. They are still confused that Tony Snow shows up as the MC instead of Ryan Seacrest. ('sup wit dat?)
2) The 53 percent of the electorate that re-elected the President would have to admit to themselves that they made a mistake. Because they cannot do that, they cannot organize and request impeachment proceedings from their representatives.
3) The 78 percent of voting Christian Evangelicals who re-elected Bush would have to embrace the notion that their pastor might have been wrong, and thus not operating under divine guidance. Since we all know that God doesn't make mistakes, please see reason #2.
4) That 1 out of every 3 Americans who shows up in every poll and thinks that the President is still doing a good job has a history of congenital mental illness. Once again, please see reason #2.The sad thing about all this is that at least the Romans had lead poisoning as an excuse for the decline of their empire...

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I can only think that the Bush Administration is still in power because of one of several reasons, or a combination thereof:

1) Americans haven't figured out a way to send a text message that will vote the administration out, especially when none of them can sing. They are still confused that Tony Snow shows up as the MC instead of Ryan Seacrest. ('sup wit dat?)

2) The 53 percent of the electorate that re-elected the President would have to admit to themselves that they made a mistake. Because they cannot do that, they cannot organize and request impeachment proceedings from their representatives.

3) The 78 percent of voting Christian Evangelicals who re-elected Bush would have to embrace the notion that their pastor might have been wrong, and thus not operating under divine guidance. Since we all know that God doesn't make mistakes, please see reason #2.

4) That 1 out of every 3 Americans who shows up in every poll and thinks that the President is still doing a good job has a history of congenital mental illness. Once again, please see reason #2.

The sad thing about all this is that at least the Romans had lead poisoning as an excuse for the decline of their empire...

Keep fighting the good fight, Babe.


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