Nov 27, 2007

Bill Clinton Rewrites History on Iraq?

(CNN) -- Former President Clinton has revealed that he continues to support President Bush's decision to go to war in Iraq but chastised the administration over the abuses at Abu Ghraib prison.
However, Bush 'couldn't responsibly ignore' chance Iraq had WMDs says Clinton. "I still resent that I was not asked or given the opportunity to support those soldiers."

Clinton has long been critical of the U.S.-led invasion of Iraq and called it a "big mistake" as far back as November of 2005.

The former president did support giving President Bush the authority needed to go to war.

"I supported the President when he asked the Congress for authority to stand up against weapons of mass destruction in Iraq," said Clinton in 2003 while delivering commencement remarks at Tougaloo College in Jackson, Miss.

Seems to me that many supported the War until we found out we were lied into it and as facts unfolded support became less and less.
In my opinion the Candidates are manipulating Clinton's statements in order to use them agaist Hilary...oh what a tangled web we weave.

Once again the Media is overly dramatic with the innuendos and making a mountain out of a molehill.

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Dr. T said...
Never mind that Clinton also said that he was under the impression that there were weapons of mass destruction too, when he was asked about it? Why is it okay for CLinton to lie, but not Bush? (I don't think either one should be allowed to lie personally, but apparently you liberals have a different set of morals for those you support.)
November 28, 2007 6:31 PM

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Ted said...

I read in one place the Bill Clinton was saying he opposed the war from the beginning.

I guess it is just what they feel the people want to hear at the moment.
Number of Operations Iraq Freedom and Enduring Freedom casualties as confirmed by U.S. Central Command: 4326

Troy Camplin said...

Never mind that Clinton also said that he was under the impression that there were weapons of mass destruction too, when he was asked about it? Why is it okay for CLinton to lie, but not Bush? (I don't think either one should be allowed to lie personally, but apparently you liberals have a different set of morals for those you support.)

Carol said...

Hello again Dr. T,
You said "you liberals have a different set of morals for those you support"
I again take exception with your generalization of "you liberals" that's just me.
I think that all politicians lie and tell us whatever we want to hear in order to get votes and grab the brass ring.
It is not ok for Clinton or Bush to lie and morally I think they both are lacking.
The point of the post is merely to point out how things can come back to haunt you and be used against you late.
I think that the Media over reacts in certain instances, this being one of them.
Again, thanks for the visit and I appreciate your taking time to comment.

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