Mar 6, 2008

Taxi to the Dark Side

Sometimes the good guys win.

The film "Taxi to the Dark Side"
was purchased by the Discovery
Channel which then decided not
to show it.

Then HBO bought the American TV
rights from them.

A few days later, the nearly suppressed
film won the Academy Award for best

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Ted said...

I miss reading your blog while I am at work. I hope to catch up one day when I have a few days off.
Number of Operations Iraq Freedom and Enduring Freedom casualties as confirmed by U.S. Central Command: 4437

Carol said...

Hey Ted,
I know it's a pain that your Company won't let you access Blogs anymore. Sorry I haven't visited lately but I think I am getting back into the swing of things. Thanks for popping in.

tomshideaway said...

It's so disappointing that my tax dollars actually support kind of behavior..Good for HBO to get this on the air..I'll be waiting to see it!

Anonymous said...

Hi Carol, I wanted you to know, that I nominated you for Women's Voices Making History. Your blog is on my list of over 300 women blogging about politics, and I am currently going through it, and nominating blogs that I think are most worthy. Anyone can nominate a blogger, so if you have others you would like to nominate, all you have to do is go to the site at Women's Voices, Women Vote. :-)



Pamps said...

very informative news on your site..hope we could exchange links..i'll add u know..let me know if im added thanks! -Pamps

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