Apr 20, 2008

Polygamist Moms on YouTube

This is bizzare!

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Anonymous said...

That's just creepy

Feisty Crone said...

I know it sounds trite, but all I can think of is "The Stepford Wives." Truly spooky.

Cato said...

Maybe if those women shaved their heads, wore thongs and a see-through sports bra like Brittany, they'd be more "normal"? Maybe if they, you know, like, whatEVER, talked, like, you know, like THIS, they'd be more "normal"? Ya think?

Stories like this bring out the bigots, yes indeed.

Anonymous said...

Your children are are risk alright, at risk of getting screwed by a lecherous old man.

Carol said...

Very Creepy and Beth I agree it does call to mind the Stepford Wives.
Cooper and that is the whole point - children being subjected to sex with adult men. That just has to be wrong.
Cato- I don't necessarily consider myself a bigot because I am against child molestation.

Feisty Crone said...

Thanks, Carol. And Cato, if I'm a bigot because I think it's a crime, and spooky to boot, that brainwashed women can't protect their offspring, and offer them up to old men for the purposes of procreation and sexual gratification, then so be it. I don't give a rip who you or anybody else prays to, but when young girls are bartered off in "marriage" before the age of consent, that's child abuse.

Carol said...

Kudos Beth I couldn't have said it better and I couldn't agree more!

Feisty Crone said...

Thanks, Carol.

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