Apr 21, 2008

Suffering From ED?

Thanks to MA for sending this to me in my email - LOL!

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Ted said...

I couldn't get to anything.

Number of Operations Iraq Freedom and Enduring Freedom casualties as confirmed by U.S. Central Command: 4513

Carol said...

are you saying it doesn't show up?

Anonymous said...

We must really be suffering from ED, because we can't see anything!

Carol said...

Really? I can see it. I guess I better delete this post then

BoBo said...

That's too funny. Maybe only conservatives..and you..can see it! This is perfect for Shillary. Anyway, dropped by for an EC drop..and didn't see your widget! Oh well. Also..just wanted to say thanks for dropping by and commenting on my blog...and...despite my better judgement...I'm going to have to add you to my blog roll. I do quite enjoy your posts! See ya

Anonymous said...

I can see it just fine. Why I'm seeing it and the others being unable to, is wild.

I thought it would lose its readability afterwards but I can read it just fine.

Weird, huh?

durano lawayan a.k.a. brad spit said...

Hi Carol,

Liagra for lies? It's too late. The cancer has spread. She has other mental complications diagnosed as Goebbels Syndrome. She actually believes a lie repeated a thousand times morphs into the truth! :-) --Durano, done!

Carol said...

Hi Mary Ann,
It wasn't showing up, I checked after Ted and Vice said they couldn't see it. I used IE and sure enough all that was there was the dreaded red X so I changed the properties to PNG and reposted. I still think it's hilarious!

Hi Durano,
Is this an actual condition or is it restricted to Politicians?

Hi BoBo,
Thanks for the add to your Blogroll - who would of thought I would be on a Conservative Blogroll? As for the widget you have to scroll waaaaay down cuz on Firefox and some other Browsers the widgets are in the wrong place and I don't know how to fix it.

Anonymous said...

I keep forgetting about IE's problems since it's a browser I utilize very often. I have it but it isn't preferential. I haven't used it in ages. My bad.

Oh, when there are problems in the sidebar like what I'm reading about here, Carol, look for java based codes first. Generally they're the culprits.

Ted said...

Its great...

Number of Operations Iraq Freedom and Enduring Freedom casualties as confirmed by U.S. Central Command: 4514

Carol said...

Glad you can finally see it Ted and thanks for checking in to do just that

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