May 22, 2007

So You Want to Immigrate?

Frankenstein Immigration Deal Angers Left, Right and Center
Congressional leaders negotiated a new immigration bill. Unfortunately, as the NY Times Editorial Board explains, in trying to craft a proposal that would be acceptable to everyone, they have created an abomination.

I don't know about you but I am getting pretty fed up with this Immigration Issue.
This Country was founded by Immigrants who came here and did what was required of them to become US Citizens. What the hell is the problem here?

In My View of It we have something like 12 million people coming into this Country illegally and bitching because they are not getting it handed to them fast enough.

Quit your bitching, get down to the Immigration Office, learn our language, and do what you need to do to become a Citizen, but while your doing it, how about not breaking our laws?

Related Article: Senate Critics Vow to Alter Immigration Measure

Becky C. said...
The problem is that virtually all of the illegal immigrants could not come here legally under the present laws. When prior immigrants came here the laws were loose cos they were needed for the industrial revolution, factories. When they need for masive numbers ended the rules tightened up--there has always been a xenophobic and racist element at work in the formulation of immigration policy--and it only gives in the face of need or reality--and reality is the case here where there has to be give--there are 12 million illigal Mexican and Latin American immigrants and there is no real way to remove them--and the economy couldn't handle it anyway--so the xenophobia and racism will have to politically give way again.The new bill addresses this problem. There is no way it is going to solve the problem of illegal immigration--but it addresses the immediate problems of the illegal immigrants who are now residing here and part of the labor force.

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Peter Haslam said...

Amen. Rock on

Carol said...

Hi Peter. I got your comment yesterday on a different Post but hit reject instead of Publish (!) I think it was regarding the Post about the "Sicko" Movie. I am sorry.

Unknown said...

Hi there thanks for dropping by my Blog!


Anonymous said...

Testify! Tell it like it is!

I am so fed up with this issue of *illegal" immigration. There's a right way and a wrong way to do things and I'm absolutely floored at the way so many people have taken the wrong way on this issue.

Anonymous said...

Hi Carol. Immigration is one of the issues everyone has an opinion on but don't wan to sit down and think about the 100 questions that need to be addressed. Here are a few. What happens if after the bill people still sneak in by the millions? What do American born high school only graduates do for work? Will all that money being sent out of country really hurt us someday? There are a lot of questions that should be asked of our leaders.

Carol said...

Hi John,
People will continue to "sneak in by the millions" unless we figure out a way to secure our Borders. I am four a wall from coast to coast. Too much money is to be made and too many deep pockets for this issue to be resolved easily, But, there is a way to become a US Citizen and to abide by the laws of this Country. I think that the "new" Immigrants are entirely too entitled and expect everything to be handed to them, which it is by the way.
Thanks for the visit and the comment.

Carol said...

Hello Mark,
You bet I will, I think that this is an Issue worthy of more exploration and more Posts. Watch for them.
Thanks for the comment.

Becky C. said...

The problem is that virtually all of the illegal immigrants could not come here legally under the present laws. When prior immigrants came here the laws were loose cos they were needed for the industrial revolution, factories. When they need for masive numbers ended the rules tightened up--there has always been a xenophobic and racist element at work in the formulation of immigration policy--and it only gives in the face of need or reality--and reality is the case here where there has to be give--there are 12 million illigal Mexican and Latin American immigrants and there is no real way to remove them--and the economy couldn't handle it anyway--so the xenophobia and racism will have to politically give way again.

The new bill addresses this problem. There is no way it is going to solve the problem of illegal immigration--but it addresses the immediate problems of the illegal immigrants who are now residing here and part of the labor force.


Carol said...

Hi becky,
You raise some very interesting and valid points in your well thought out and interesting comment.

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